
Pelican Selfstorages

Pelican Selfstorages

A new 2.5 m³/s system with heat recovery will be renovated to replace the existing air handling unit room.

  • Paikkakunta: Helsinki
  • Rakennuttaja: Pelican Selfstorages Oy
  • Käyttötarkoitus: Warehouse
  • Kuvaus: Air Handling Unit Module
  • Valmistumisvuosi: 2022

Kaikki referenssit


Vasarakatu 23 A

Vasarakatu 23 A

Building technology contract for an office building. Prefabricated building technology includes office corridor elements for the 1st and 2nd floors. Two machine room modules with floor structures for the machine room. The delivery includes four air handling units, a heat distribution package, a main distribution board, and a cooling unit.

  • Paikkakunta: Jyväskylä
  • Rakennuttaja: Svea fastigheter
  • Käyttötarkoitus: Office Building
  • Kuvaus: Building Technology Contract
  • Valmistumisvuosi: 2018

Kaikki referenssit

Air handling unit modules can be manufactured as complete space modules or as platform solutions, depending on the project requirements.

Thanks to prefabrication, the equipment can be installed in a smaller space while still providing the necessary maintenance areas, allowing valuable square meters of technical spaces to be repurposed for other uses or even left unconstructed.

In addition to ventilation units, the module can integrate, for example, electrical distribution boards, the building’s heat source, or automation centers. The module is delivered to the site as a “Plug & Play” solution, ensuring efficient installation and connection work on-site.

Air handling unit modules are well-suited for both new construction and renovation projects. Potential applications include residential buildings, office and commercial construction, as well as industrial facilities. We are happy to help you find a suitable solution tailored to your needs!